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Creating Forms Module: Submit Buttons

Creating Forms: Submit Buttons Creating Forms Submit Buttons You’re nearly finished creating your example login form now. Here’s the code you should have so far: <form action=”” method=”post”> <input type=”text” name=”login” size=”25″ value=”Enter login name here” /> <input type=”password” name=”password” size=”16″ /> </form> You’re still missing one important element, though: a way to send the information you’ve Read more [...]

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Creating Forms Module: Text and Password Fields

Creating Forms: Text and Password Fields Creating Forms Text and Password Fields Text boxes, with a type attribute of “text,” are ideal for letting users enter short words and phrases, like a first or last name, a login name or a password. <input type=”text” /> Which creates a text box like this: Don’t forget to label this textbox with a name attribute: <input type=”text” name=”login” /> You can make the box longer or shorter by specifying its size attribute. In a text Read more [...]

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Creating Forms Module: The input Tag

Creating Forms: The Input Tag Creating Forms The <input /> Tag Now that we’ve defined where the form begins and ends, and specified what it will do with the information it gathers, it’s time to create the inputs that will collect that information from the user. The basic input tag is a stand-alone tag, and looks like this: <input /> There are two attributes that every input tag must have. The first is a name. Depending on how they’re written, scripts and programs that work Read more [...]

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Creating Forms Module: The <form> Tag

Suppose we want to create a basic login form: Login:           Password: We’ll need three parts to this form: A text box for users to enter their login name Another text box for their password A “submit” button to send their information off for processing. To create this form, we’ll start with the <form> and </form> tags. Together, they create a container that marks the beginning and end of the form. All the elements of the form will appear between these two tags. <form> </form> The Read more [...]

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Creating Forms Module: Introduction

Creating Forms: Introduction Creating Forms Introduction If you want to give your readers the ability to interact with your site — to send information to it, rather than simply receiving information from it — you’ll need to move beyond basic HTML. Forms gather information from your users. If you’ve ever used a search engine or entered a login name and password on a Web site, you’ve seen a form in action. A form is a block of HTML containing various inputs — ways of gathering information Read more [...]

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