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Web Hosting

Choosing a Web Host

It used to be that you'd buy a domain one place, then have to decide on a Web host. Not anymore. Since almost all companies offer both services, it makes sense to buy a domain name at the same company you want to use as your Web host. Consult this...

What to Shop For

There are many reliable Web hosting companies to choose from. So what separates one from another? If you are planning to use a hosted Wordpress solution, or another content management system (CMS) like Drupal, Joomla or Expression Engine, then make ...

Other Considerations

Cost is an important consideration, but it isn't the only one when it comes to choosing a Web host. Here are some other factors that you should weigh before you make your decision. Price Hosting costs will vary, depending on your needs. The more you...

Help, My Server is Overloaded

As your site attracts more visitors, your Web server may start to slow down because it's processing more requests for pages and files. At this point, you have two ways to deal with the problem: Streamline your pages or upgrade your hosting. If you're...

Next Section: Hiring a Designer or Developer

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