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Your how-to site for community journalism

Sales, Fundraising and E-Commerce

Putting Ads on Your Site

Now that you're an Internet publisher, you may look at advertising in an entirely different light from when you were just an Internet user. Users are seldom big fans of ads. But as a publisher, you not only want to draw readers for your content, you also...

Identifying Revenue and Sales Opportunities

As you plan for the launch of your site, you should think about how you are going to keep it going once it gets off the ground. You'll need funds to pay for such things as your web hosting service, software, telephones and some equipment, such as computers...

Selling Advertising

Advertising is one of the most common ways to raise money. To sell ads, however, you have to identify potential advertisers, establish prices, and establish guidelines for content. Selling ads may also mean you need a sales representative or sales staff. Who...

Maintaining Ethics and Standards

Whether you're just trying to make enough to cover your hosting costs or building your website as a full-time business, money talks. Even those who start out with the best intentions can be led astray by the lure of a big ad buy. To maintain your operation's...

Next Section: Tracking Your Users

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