How to Shoot Video for the Web
As you set about shooting video, you may want to consider hiring an expert if you don't already have one in-house. With patience and creativity, a novice videographer can shoot like a professional, but you must invest the time to develop the expertise....
Using Adobe Premiere
In the next sections, you will get a look at digitizing and editing video using Adobe Premiere Pro, which includes most of the editing tools you need and has good integration with digital video - the best type of video for the web. The ideas and concepts...
Digitizing Video
Start a new project and save it (File > New Project... and File > Save). If you want, at this stage you can also specify where your video captures will be saved, if necessary, by going to Edit > Preferences > Scratch Disks . If you don't ...
Editing Video
If you have other files - such as graphics, still photos or audio files - to add to this project, use File > Import to bring up the Import window and select the file(s).
Video Alphabet Soup
AVI: Audio Video Interleave. It is currently the m...
Adding and Editing Audio
If you want to bring in music or a voiceover, you have some choices. You can import music from a CD or from a digital file on your computer. You can record a voiceover using audio editing software, or you can simply record your voiceover onto the...
Adding Titles and Other Graphics
Titles are often text elements overlaid on black video or actual video. You can use a title to place the title of the clip on the screen or to add names, locations or credits. To create a title:
Choose File > New Title . Premiere opens the Adobe T...
Delivering Video Online
Video on the web used to have one major problem: video files are huge. Delivering large video files online is a problem because people can't download them quickly enough to make them usable. But, with the advent of the Flash video format, services that...